Advice For A Successful Web Design Strategy

 In today's business world everyone seems to have a website, but if you are not familiar with how to build one then it could be a problem. However, it is not that difficult since there are many software programs on the market that make it easy for any new business to create a nice website. Continue on for some great web design tips.

Be careful when introducing new colors into the design of your website. Your text must be easily readable and not disappear into your background. The better choice is using darker fonts against backgrounds that are lighter. If you have doubts about your color scheme, run it by a few people and see what they think of it.

Have a site map. These are useful to your clients and the search engines, as they give a detailed overview of your entire website. It can be a guide for viewers searching for a certain part of your site, and also allow you to keep track of its structure and layout.

To help your web pages load quickly, you should compress all the images on the website page. If you have images that are compressed then pages will load much faster. Nothing is more frustrating to viewers than waiting for a 250k graphic to load when it should really only be 20k.

You should always put in the effort to make a customized error page for your site; this page should include a basic sitemap that links users to the major sections of your website. This ensures that if visitors follow a bad link or spell your URL wrong, they will be able to find what they are looking for.

A search function should always be included when you develop a site that is very large. People have become accustomed to search boxes being in the upper-right corner of the page, so put it there. These should let you at least search for one term, but it's better if it allows multiple terms. You can get free search boxes from Google or FreeFind.

Choose your web host carefully. Some hosts require you to link to them, while others may force you to install their pop-ups. You should also test their performance using one of the many tools available for free online, as you do not want to host with someone who is consistently slow or crashing.

Include a links page for your site and use it to provide a variety of resources related to the site's purpose. You should also include a variety of links, including links to sites that are offering backlinks to your site. If related sites link back to your site, your site ranking will move up in the rankings on search results pages.

Research your subject thoroughly. If you're planning to use your website for blogging or something similar, make sure to thoroughly research the subject prior to posting. Publishing inaccuracies and falsehoods will glean you a bad reputation, causing you to lose readers. Knowing your subject is very important when having a blog.

Do not use blinking, scrolling text or other animations. Also, steer clear of sounds or music that plays automatically. All of these things are distracting to users and provide nothing of value. In addition, connection speeds vary from one site visitor to the next, and everyone does not have the same speed. Those users with slower connections will resent the slow-loading elements of your site.

Don't load rich content automatically. Rich content mainly refers to music and videos, but anything other than text or graphics qualifies. Many people browse in work environments where sounds suddenly playing is a big problem. Also, many people find such rich content annoying in general. Rich content should require some interaction from the user before playing.

Make use of your grammar and spell checker. Yes, some mistakes may get passed some of your audience, but it will not get past everyone. You could lose some of your audience because of this, particularly if you make mistakes frequently. Do your best to correct your grammar and spelling on your site.

Web design becomes easier to learn and manipulate the more you view the process behind it. Try some easy web pages with C+ and HTML to learn the basics. The sooner you start practicing, the sooner you'll be an expert.

Pay attention to your background colors and your text colors when designing a site. Something like red text on a blue background doesn't work well. And if you think that white text will pop with a black background, it could be a little too bright for your readers. Go with something subtle.

Never use pop-up ads on a website. Certainly it is important to include PPC ads on your site to earn some money, but pop-up ads that get in the way of what your visitors want to see is counterproductive. It will end up driving visitors away instead of getting them to read and click. Keeping your site free of excessive ads will only create a better experience for the visitor.

Good website design is often the result of good research. Be sure to research your particular niche in order to reach the audience you want This will help you to reach your target audience. If you can do that, your site will find success.

As an alternative to Photoshop, you could choose to use the GIMP photo editor. GIMP has practically every single feature that Adobe Photoshop does; and instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a program and using up a few hundred MBs of program space, GIMP is 100% free and runs about 35mb.

Have someone visit your website, and provide you with feedback on its functionality and attractiveness. Every time you add a new feature, make sure someone stops by and judges it impartially. You may think that a video that is slow to load is not really a hassle, but other people may feel differently. Ask someone who has no interest in flattering you to give you an honest opinion.

As stated in the above article, pretty much every business today has a website and if you know how to follow some simple software programs, then designing a site is easy. Apply the tips that you have learned in this article so you can get your business an online presence it deserves!

Free Online Dating Site Reviews

Never before has hooking up with someone been easier and we have free online dating sites on the internet to thank for this. Apart from the relative convenience (no need to dress up when you're behind your computer right?), dating services online also pave the way for 'dating without borders'. Indeed, just a couple of years ago it was almost impossible to even meet people in different countries let alone date them.

Unfortunately though, such flexibility also renders itself to abuse. That's why it's extremely important to subscribe only with reputable online dating sites. Now, many argue that the only way to stay safe while using dating services online is to go for paid online dating sites. Well here's an online dating tip for you - there are plenty of free online dating portals that offer just the same quality in service and security.

A Look at Today's Top Free Online Dating Sites

Free Online Dating Site OKCupid

Just the site name alone brings up an image of two people finding each other and falling in love right? Not sure where to begin? Follow the site's online dating advice and take the Dating Persona test. After the quiz, you are classified into one of 32 dating types. Not only is the quiz fun to take but imagine just how much time you'll save by identifying your dating type and hooking up with someone that is mathematically predicted to be compatible to yours! And this is really the feature that sets OKCupid as a free online dating site apart: it makes use of 55 different measures (and counting!) to pat down your personality trait and thus offer a more suitable match!

Other quizzes offered by this free online dating services provider is the User-Written Tests (quizzes contributed by OKCupid subscribers) and the Staff Tests (quizzes made by 'Harvard grad' staffers).

The Privacy Policy of OKCupid is standard enough and it DOES say that your information may be shared with third parties with whom it is connected but then again which free online dating services provider does not do that? Besides, it's up to YOU to keep your true identity secure. Here's a very important online dating rule - never subscribe to free online dating sites using your real name, and true and complete address!

Free Online Dating Site Plenty of Fish

If OKCupid provides an image of two people who belong together, Plenty of Fish (POF) tells you "hey, if at first you don't succeed with this online dating thing, try and try again!"

POF is reputed to be the biggest free dating services online provider because it's perceived as an online dating site that 'cares'. The site is created by Marcus Friend with the vision of providing singles all they ever need in an online dating site FOR FREE so that they are not preyed upon by "faceless corporate dating sites". Subscribers love the features of POF which include an instant messaging tool, compatibility quizzes, a hot or not photo rating system, and highly-attended forums. In fact, POF's forums are sort of like the online version of Dear Abby as users get to post dating and relationship problems and seek advice from others. POF's community is also something to be proud of; the site is maintained by many volunteers and those who are active in the forums form "meet & greets" that are open to anyone who wishes to attend. POF definitely shouts "cool" as far as free online dating sites are concerned.

Free Online Dating Site MatchDoctor

MatchDoctor prides itself in combining the features of a free online dating site and a social networking site. Just looking at the site and you immediately feel that it's a 'community'.

On the online dating front, it enables subscribers to view other's profiles and contact those they fancy and to help you with your possible new romance, the site offers plenty of helpful articles and tips covering everything from online dating security to relationship advice.

On the social networking front, MatchDoctor enables subscribers to set up their own blogs when they subscribe, upload photos and videos (think YouTube!), chat with others via the site's instant messaging tool, and participate in any of the on-going online forums.

As you can see, free online dating is not equal to poor service and security Just be picky with the dating services online providers you hook up with and you'll have just as much fun... and chances at meeting your new romance.


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